Japanese Terminology


Ichi - one

Ni - two

San - three

Shi, Yon - four

Go - five

Roku - six

Shichi, Nana - seven

Hachi - eight

Ku, Kyuu - nine

Juu - ten


Dachi - Stance

Fudou-dachi - Immovable stance.

Gankaku-dachi - Crane stance.

Hachiji-dachi - Open legged stance.

Hangetsu-dachi - Half moon stance.

Heisoku-dachi - Parallel stance (heels and toes together).

Heiko-dachi - Parallel leg stance.

Kiba-dachi - Horse stance, also know as straddle-leg stance or side stance.

Koukutsu-dachi - Back stance.

Kousa-dachi - X stance/Crossed stance.

Musubi-dachi - Attention stance (heels together, toes turned out 45-degrees).

Neko-ashi-dachi - Cat stance.

Reinoji-dachi - L stance.

Sanchin-dachi - Hourglass stance, also know as three-point stance.

Shiko-dachi - Square stance, sumo stance.

Shizentai - Natural stance.

Teiji-dachi - T stance.

Uchi-hachi-dachi - Inverted open leg stance.

Zenkutsu-dachi - Front stance.


Zuki/Tsuki - Punch.

Age Zuki - Rising punch.

Awase Zuki - U-punch.

Choku Zuki - Straight punch.

Dan Zuki - Double punch.

Gyaku Zuki - Reverse punch.

Hasami Zuki - Scissor punch.

Heiko Zuki - Parallel punch.

Kagi Zuki - Hook punch.

Kizami Zuki - Jab Punch.

Morote Zuki - Augmented punch.

Oi Zuki - Lunge punch, chasing punch.

Ren Zuki - Alternate punch.

Tate Zuki - Vertical punch.

Ura Zuki - Close punch.

Yama Zuki - Mountain punch.


Geri/Keri - Kick.

Barai - Sweep.

Ashi Barai - Foot/Leg sweep.

Fumikomi Geri - Stamping kick.

Kakato Geri - Ax kick.

Keage - Snap (kick).

Kekomi - Thrust (kick).

Mae Geri - Front kick.

Mawashi Geri - Roundhouse kick.

Mikazuki Geri - Crescent moon kick.

Nami Ashi - Returning wave kick.

Nidan Geri - Double kick.

Tobi Geri - Jump kick.

Ushiro Geri - Back kick.

Yoko Geri - Side kick.


Uke - Block (literally "To receive").

Age Uke - Rising block.

Awase Uke - Combined block.

Gedan Barai - Downward block, low sweeping block.

Haishu Uke - Backhand block (a block using the back of the hand).

Haitou Uke - Ridge-hand block.

Juuji Uke - X-block.

Kaisho Uke - Open hand block.

Kakiwake Uke - Wedge block.

Keito Uke - Chicken head block.

Kosa Uke - Crossed block.

Mikazuki Geri Uke - Crescent kick block.

Morote Uke - Augmented block.

Osae Uke - Pressing block.

Shutou Uke - Knife hand block.

Soto Uke - Outside block.

Tate Shuto Uke - Vertical knife hand block.

Tettsui Uke - Hammer fist block.

Uchi Uke - Inside block.

Yama Uke - Mountain block.


Arigatou - Thank-you.

Arigatou Gozaimashita - Thank you very much.

Barai - Sweep.

Bunkai - Analysis.

Chuudan - Mid-section.

Dan - Step.

Do - Way/path.

Do-gi - Training uniform.

Dojo - Literally, "Place of the way." The place where karate is practiced.

Gedan - Lower section.

Gyaku - Reverse.

Hai - Yes.

Hajime - Begin.

Hansei - The command given at the closing mediation after the training session in some dojo, which means to recollect something that you have learned that lesson.

Hidari - Left.

Hikite - Pulling hand.

Ikken-Hissatsu - One deadly strike.

Joudan - Upper level.

Kamiza - Front of the dojo.

Karate - Empty hand.

Karate-do - The way of the empty hand.

Karate-ka - A practitioner of karate.

Kata - A prescribed sequence of techniques against imaginary opponents.

Kiai - A shout.

Kihon - Something which is fundamental. Basic techniques.

Kime - Decision. Often described as focus of power, decisive focus.

Kiotsuke - Attention.

Kyu - Class. Any rank below shodan (first degree black belt).

Maai - Distance.

Mawatte - Turn around.

Migi - Right.

Mokuso - The command given at the meditation before the training session, which means clear your mind in preparation to receive instruction.

Obi - Belt.

Ossu - A greeting.

Rei - Bow.

Reigi - Etiquette, manners.

Saho - Manners, etiquette.

Seiza - Kneel.

Senpai - One's senior.

Sensei - Teacher.

Shodan - First step, first degree black belt.

Shomen - Front, front of the dojo

Shugo - Gather, assemble.

Tai Sabaki - Body movement/shifting/evasion.

Waza - Technique(s), skill.

Yame - Stop.

Yasumi - Rest.

Yoi - Preparation.